Archive for Pekingese Breed

The House at Pete Corner….

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 9, 2017 by segarini

Today’s column is about an unsung hero of my childhood. Charles and Helen Montreuil had moved their steadily growing brood to Orillia. I was an infant when the move was made, hence I had about as much say in the final decision as I remember having in every decision made in my two marriages. My feeling is that it was to allow Mum to live in the same town as her widowed mother and her only sibling, Aunt Pat. You will hear more about these great women in future columns, but for now, please note that Aunt Pat had a Pekingese named “Boony” (As he never gave me his autograph, spelling is approximate.)

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