Archive for Songs with numbers in the title

Cameron Carpenter: The ABC’s of Rock’n’Roll – Catching Some ZZZ’s

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 17, 2014 by segarini

CamYes I was asleep at the wheel last week and could not get my column in by deadline. It is a very busy time of year and I really couldn’t come up with an appropriate Z-theme. It’s a bitch of a letter when it comes to rock’n’roll. I have been busy with the Alan Snoddy release party tonight at The Dakota, getting the wheels turning on the new Alert the Medic record and, most time consuming, making the final selections and announcements for the 2014 NXNE Film Festival. I don’t know what has happened over the past year but we have had very close to 500 submissions this year and it takes a lot of time, and patience, to sit through that many films. Perhaps it is due to the fact that we are opening up the festival to non-music films as the fest has become diversified in every aspect. Luckily they started to arrive as early as last September and I have pretty well stayed on top of it since then, but, once you get close to the submission deadline the films really start to pile up.

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