Archive for Teamwork

Segarini – Teamwork 2

Posted in Opinion, Review with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 24, 2016 by segarini

Bob Cool

Last night I watched the Director’s cut of a film called “Cowboys and Aliens”, and the first Part of Ken Burns’ epic history of America’s National Parks. In both of these disparate entertainments, the wisdom and spirituality of the American Indian brings calm and understanding, and makes sense of the importance of the wealth of our surroundings, of the beauty of nature, that we have all but destroyed in the pursuit of money, control over others, and intolerance. We need to unite and embrace a lot of what the Indigenous peoples of this continent have believed for centuries, and face off with those whose obsession with the accumulation of wealth and power over others. I want Gene Rodenberry’s future, not George Miller’s. It’s time we stopped whining and yelling and arguing…and DID something about our problems.

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Segarini – Teamwork

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 31, 2015 by segarini


I love social media. Because of it, I have connected with lost friends and old chums, been reminded of past pleasures and experiences I had nearly or completely forgotten, and have over 4000 NEW friends I have never met, know nothing about, and will probably never meet. Instant Pen Pals from all over the world…but one thing about this mostly wonderful technology is driving me nuts.

All the whining. Including mine….
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