Archive for ABCs of Rock

Cameron Carpenter: The ABC’s of Rock’n’Roll – Under The Gun

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , on March 7, 2014 by segarini

CamIt seems to sneak up every week, sometimes on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, yikes, need to get the column over to Bob. What column? What the hell I am going to write about this week? Unless I have been gallivanting from event to event for an entire week it becomes a bit of a chore to come up with 1,500 words on a weekly basis. The alphabet has come in handy and the letter of the week at least gives me some parameters to work within. We are at the letter U and lately we have been looking for song titles using a key word and because we are all “Under” something, that’s what we are going with this week.

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Cameron Carpenter: The ABC’s Of Rock’n’Roll – U Oughta Know

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 11, 2013 by segarini


CamI don’t know if we are on vacation this week or not but a column in hand is worth two on the hard drive. Hard to tell where I am in the alphabet right now but I think U will work as I wrote about television last week.

Now U is not the most rock’n’roll letter in the alphabet and the list of band names is pretty low. Many would argue that the world’s greatest band, U2, makes up for the lack of overall U numbers but I would disagree. Outside of “I Will Follow” and a couple of good moments on “The Joshua Tree” I never was really taken with the band, or their sound.

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Cameron Carpenter: The ABC’s Of Rock – L is for Live

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 2, 2012 by segarini

The great news of Sam Grosso (Cadillac Lounge) buying the El Mocambo last week got me to thinking of all the great old venues I was lucky enough to spend time at in my youth.

We are very fortunate in Toronto to have so many great venues for acts to play at. On Queen West alone you have The Rivoli, The Legendary Horseshoe, The Cameron House, The Hideout, The Bovine and Cherry Colas to name but a few. The Tattoo Rock Parlour had a ton of potential but they just didn’t seem to be able to fully commit to “the rock”.

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Cameron Carpenter: The ABC’s Of Rock’n’Roll – D2

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , on May 10, 2012 by segarini

My second most asked question (right after “where does your forehead actually end”?) is who is your favourite artist to work with? It is usually followed by who was the biggest pain in the ass?

One of the biggest assets in becoming good at A&R, artist relations, publicity, management or virtually any job that puts you in direct contact with artists, is the ability to get along with them, reading their moods, and being able to make them feel at ease in almost any situation. You also need to know how to get them out of any situation without making them look like it was their idea.

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