Archive for Garth Richardson

Pat Blythe – That’s A Wrap…..CMW, JRLMA and a very special concert…….

Posted in Opinion, Review with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 16, 2018 by segarini

Indulge me for just a moment. I’d like to begin this week’s column with a very poignant piece my “daughter” sent me. Colleen is actually my former daughter-in-law and a young woman I continue to consider my daughter. Over the years our friendship has grown and deepened with much love and mutual respect. When she decides to return to Canada from what has now become her home base of Thailand, she bunks in at my place for sometimes as long as a month. I enjoy her companionship and miss terribly her when she is gone. Artistically creative, Colleen is a wonderful copy writer and blogger. The two of us can sit in the same room tapping away on our respective keyboards in a companionable silence that is rare. Intelligent, beautiful inside and out, open-minded, a musician (she has a beautiful voice and plays guitar), Colleen is simply a joy to spend time with. As for our lengthy discussions, nothing is off the table. Refreshing!

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Cameron Carpenter: Rock’n’Roll Rewind – Conventional Beliefs – Part One

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2015 by segarini

Cam young

Well another Canadian Music Week is under my belt, or, elastic waist-band pants. I believe it was my 33rd. I believe it was their 33rd. Prior to being called CMW it was known as “The Record Conference”, and before that there was an annual event called “Three Days In March”. It’s hard to explain (and often remember) what exactly happens at a music industry conference and the more that you attend the wider your reach is and the more friends, acquaintances, former workers and bartenders you know.

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