Archive for Nostalgia

Roxanne Tellier: Misty Water-Colored Memories

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , on July 28, 2013 by segarini

Roxanne DBAWISI was thinking about nostalgia today, while listening to an old song by The Buckinghams.  Over 1.8 million people have watched this video. Ah, those innocent lyrics, the mop top haircuts … wasn’t life wonderful back then?

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Segarini: Stockton, Derring Do, and Crusin’ the Miracle Mile – Part One: Nostalgia

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , on December 2, 2012 by segarini

Bob (Cylus Proulx) SegariniRegardless of where you end up living on this mudball, an odd thing occurs sometime between hitting 30 and the day sex slips from number 1 to number 9 on your Top Ten list. When a warm sweater takes precedent over a cold beer, and a Friday night out on the town ends at 10:00 pm instead of Monday. No longer interested in flirting with young women after your first encounter with the business end of a can of Pepper Spray, instead of mentally undressing women on the street, your mind wanders not up skirts, but to a cheeseburger you had when you were 13 years old, or a TV show that is no longer even in reruns, or the incredible smell of wood burning in fireplaces when you walked down your street on the first chilly night of fall. Mostly, your mind wanders to where you grew up, where you went to school, and where everything was ahead of you. All things were possible, and you felt like you would live forever. Nostalgia.


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