Archive for Wolfgang Spegg

Segarini Gets a Label and an Album: The Cliff Notes Version…

Posted in Canadian Music, life, music, Opinion, Review, Work with tags , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2021 by segarini

I have been working on my first new column in months, but it is taking longer than I thought it would. Fortunately, I found this excerpt from a column written and published 11 years ago in 2012, that leads nicely into the one I am working on, which, God and the Grand Wozzel willing, I will share with you next Friday. That said, there are a lot of new words and pictures here, so, yeah, we’re not here to waste your time.

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Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 11, 2013 by segarini

Promo Shot_Twilight Zone_thumbAt the beginning of May I released my fourth book – ‘Life’s A Canadian (Punk) Rock – Who Wants Guns?: The Swindled Story (1973-1983)’ Check it out here.

In it I discuss my formative musical years and how an innocuous friendship with a high school punk took me on a two year roller coaster ride through the 2nd Wave of the Toronto punk scene as alleged guitarist in hardcore act Swindled. I had previously run the chapters as blog entries in Don’t Believe A Word I Say back in 2010. The band reunited in 2011 with the ever professional Cleave Anderson on drums, we recorded our long awaited debut album (only 30 years in the making) and everyone lived happily ever after. That chapter is the epilogue in the book.

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Segarini: The Story of The Segarini Band – Chapter Three

Posted in Opinion with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 3, 2012 by segarini

Chapter Two can be found HERE

The plot, like good gravy, thickens…

So where were we? Oh yeah…The band is complete, A&M have bailed out, I no longer have Rita Coolidge or Graham Nash’s, or anybody else’s phone numbers, (my phone book, clothes, smokes, and everything else I had with me had been stolen in Detroit when I went there to produce The Romantics), which is why I never called anyone I had met prior to 1978 ever again,


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